University Science Park of the University of Žilina in Žilina - Phase II.

Operational program
Integrated infrastructure
Information on the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 can be found at
EU fund
European Regional Development Fund
Call code
OPVaI-VA / DP / 2016 / 1.1.3.-02
Project code in ITMS2014 +
The main goal of the project:
Enhance the research activity by improving the coordination and consolidation of the R&D potential of research institutions.
Name of the project
University Science Park of the University of Žilina in Žilina – Phase II.
University of Žilina in Žilina
Project financing
NFP amount: 2,170,372.05 €
Project implementation period
01/2016 – 04/2018
Co-financed by the Fund
European Regional Development Fund” We support research activities in Slovakia / The project” is co-financed by EU resources. Basic information about the project can be found at University Science Park of the University of Žilina in Žilina.
The specific objectives of the University Science Park project of the University of Žilina in Žilina are:
- increasing innovation culture, extensive support for applied research and knowledge transfer into practice and support for regional knowledge and innovation development,
- construction of the physical infrastructure of the science park as a unified technological unit,
- implementation of top research and development in the field of intelligent transport and production systems.
The University Science Park of the University of Zilina focuses on a scientific approach to solving problems applied in practice, intending to use and integrate the knowledge and experience of scientists and experts from practice.
The main research activities are carried out in the following areas:
Intelligent transport systems with an emphasis on:
- human factor in transport,
- monitoring of transport processes,
- technologies and applications in intelligent transport systems.
Intelligent manufacturing systems with an emphasis on:
- prototyping in intelligent production systems,
- solutions for advanced production systems,
- production technologies and new assembly concepts,
- modelling and simulation of intelligent production systems.
Advanced materials and technologies with emphasis on:
- optical fibres and photonic elements,
- biomedical engineering,
- unconventional drives.
Information and communication technologies with emphasis on:
- processing of indeterminate information,
- photonic applications,
- knowledge technologies,
- decision support.