ICT products for intelligent systems communication

Operational program
Integrated infrastructure
Information about the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 can be found at www.opii.gov.sk
EU fund
European Regional Development Fund
Call code
OPVaI -VA / DP / 2018 / 1.1.3-06
Project code in ITMS2014 +
Name of the project
ICT products for intelligent systems communication
University of Žilina in Žilina
Project financing
NFP amount: 1,976,700.29 EUR
Project implementation period
01/2018 – 12/2019
Place of project implementation
SR / Žilina Region / Žilina
The domain of smart specialization
Vehicles for the 21st century
Subject of research
Carrying out independent research and development in creating comprehensive systems for 21st-century vehicles, increasing comfort and safety using information and communication technologies and expanding knowledge in this field and a better understanding of the given topics.
Outputs to practice
- Improving the coordination of the research potential of the University of Žilina.
- Increasing the research activity of the University of Žilina.
- Consolidation and further development of the existing infrastructure in the areas identified by RIS3 SK in the region of Northwest Slovakia.
Professional project activities:
Research activity – Independent research and development in the field of Smart and Safe transport infrastructure for the 21st century
The aim of the activity is independent research and development in creating comprehensive systems for 21st-century vehicles increasing comfort, and safety using information and communication technologies and expanding knowledge in this area and better understand the topics.
Professional guarantors in the project:
doc. Ing. Michal Zábovský, PhD.
Director of the University Science Park of the University of Žilina in Žilina. He deals with database and information systems design, programming, analytical data processing and international cooperation. During his career, he has participated in and managed several scientific and research projects at the national and international level focused on the following areas: applied research in transport, data mining and processing, database systems and knowledge engineering. He is an active lecturer of the university and postgraduate courses in Slovakia, Poland and Finland.
Prof. Ing. Milan Gregor, PhD.
He is an internationally recognized expert in Digital Factory, Smart Factory and new production concepts for the Factories of the Future. He was involved in dynamic computer simulations issues, simulation metamodeling and agent simulations. One of the applied research outputs is adaptive logistics solutions, using mobile robotic systems with industrial robots and the Internet of Things, successfully deployed in the automotive industry (VW, Audi, Porsche, Skoda, Jaguar).
Prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD.
She is a recognized domestic and foreign expert of intelligent transport systems, the Internet of Things, cloud solutions and standardization in ITS. Currently, she works at the University of Žilina in Žilina as the Head of the Department of International Research Projects. Previously, she held the position of ERA Chair Holder for IDS and the Head of the Department for Science and Research in the COST Association in Brussels. She has more than 15 years of experience in IDS and ICT standardization (ETSI, CENTC278) and international projects preparation and evaluation (project evaluator for EC FP6, FP7 and HORIZON 2020). She represents the Ministry of Education and the Slovak Republic in the STRIA (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda) Governance Group at the EC. She is a member of the EC expert group for the creation of the Transport Research Cloud.